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The UK Real Estate Market and Its Related Taxes


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The UK real estate industry significantly contributes to the country’s economy. The sector comprises a diverse range of activities, including developing, constructing, and managing residential, commercial, and industrial properties.

The industry is subject to various economic, legal, and regulatory frameworks, and it is influenced by factors such as population growth, economic conditions, and changes in government policy. The UK has a well-established property market, with various options for investors and homebuyers, including houses, apartments, and commercial properties.

The real estate industry is also a major employer in the UK, with a diverse range of professionals working in fields such as property management, construction, and real estate law. The industry has faced challenges recently, including the impact of Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic, but it remains a key player in the UK economy.

Contribution of the Real Estate Industry in the UK economy

comprehending the state of real estate industry in the UK economy

The real estate sector plays a significant role in the UK economy, contributing to economic growth and employment. According to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), the real estate sector directly contributed £71.9 billion to the UK economy in 2018, which is equivalent to 3.9% of the country’s GDP.

In 2018, the real estate sector directly employed 1.2 million people in the UK, which is around 4% of the total workforce. The real estate industry encompasses a variety of sectors, including residential and commercial property development, property management, and real estate financing.

Gross value added (GVA) is an important measure of the economic contribution of the real estate industry, as it shows the value that the industry adds to the overall economy.

Journey of the property investor in the UK

The journey of the property investor involves steps starting with:

  • the research and planning
  • securing finances
  • identifying the suitable property
  • choosing to renovate or improve the property
  • property management.

Finding suitable tenants and managing the property are also important tasks for the investor, as is deciding whether to sell the property or continue to hold onto it as a rental property.

During this process, a property investor in the UK will be subject to various taxes on the investment activities.

Taxes involved for Property Investor in the UK

As a property investor in the UK, it is important to be aware of the various taxes that may apply to your investment activities. These taxes can have a significant impact on your profits and cash flow, so it is important to understand your tax obligations and plan accordingly.

UK Real Estate Market | Related Taxes

In this article, we will take a closer look at these taxes and provide an overview of the main tax considerations for property investors in the UK. Some of these taxes are:

Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT):

This is a tax that is levied on the purchase of property in the UK. The rate of SDLT depends on the value of the property and the type of property being purchased.

This is a tax that is payable on the purchase of a property in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.The detail article on SDLT can be found here.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT):

This is a tax that is levied on the profit made from the sale of a property. CGT is only payable if the profit made from the sale exceeds the annual CGT allowance, which, from April 2023 has been reduced to £6,000 from £12,300. This annual exemption allowance will be further lowered to £3,000 from April 2024.

Capital Gains Tax can be confusing for many. You can checkout our comprehensive guide on Capital Gains Tax from here.

Income Tax:

If you receive rental income from a property, you will need to pay income tax on this income. The rate of income tax depends on your total income and whether you are a basic rate, higher rate, or additional rate taxpayer.

There’s a lot to learn about Income Tax. Learn more about Income Tax from here.

Council Tax:

This is a tax that is levied by local authorities on properties in their area. The amount of council tax you will need to pay depends on the value of your property and the council tax band it falls into.

Inheritance Tax (IHT):

This is a tax that is levied on the value of an individual’s estate (including property) when they pass away. IHT is only payable if the value of the estate exceeds the IHT threshold, which is currently £325,000 for individuals and £650,000 for married couples and civil partnerships.

It is important to note that these are just some of the taxes that may be applicable to property investors in the UK, and you should seek professional advice to ensure that you are aware of all the taxes that may be relevant to your situation.

The article related to Inheritance Tax, and some tax saving tips can be found here.

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT):

This tax is levied on the purchase of property in Scotland. The rate of LBTT depends on the value of the property and your circumstances.

Value Added Tax (VAT):

If you are a property developer or you carry out certain types of work on a property, you may be required to charge VAT on your services. The rate of VAT is currently 20%.

If you buy a property to rent out and make significant renovations, you may be required to pay VAT on the renovations.

However, renting of the property is exempted from VAT but more detailed article on VAT on property business can be found here.


In conclusion, the UK real estate industry plays a vital role in the country’s economy, encompassing diverse activities and offering a wide range of investment and housing options.

Despite recent challenges, such as Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry remains resilient and continues to contribute significantly as a major employer and economic driver in the UK.

We are a reputable accounting firm with the knowledge and practical experience to offer full financial support to real estate investors.

At UK Property Accountants, our team of highly educated accountants is prepared to assist you in navigating the complex world of real estate investing.

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Prasun Shrestha

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