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VAT Returns Made Easy, Leave the Hassle to Us!

File Your VAT Return with Confidence with Ease

Filing your VAT return can be a daunting task, but we're here to simplify the process for you. With our expert team, you can rest assured that your VAT return will be filed accurately and on time.

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We Make it Easy for You

What You Need to Know About VAT Return

If you are a business registered for VAT in the UK, filing a VAT return is a legal requirement. It must be submitted to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) on a regular basis to report your VAT liability, sales, and purchases, ensuring compliance with VAT regulations.

Registration Threshold

Registration Threshold

If the taxable supplies of your business exceed the registration threshold of £85,000, you are required to register for VAT, comply with Making Tax Digital (MTD) rules and submit regular VAT returns to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

Submission and Payment

Submission and Payment

VAT returns must be submitted to HMRC within one month and seven days after the end of the VAT accounting period. Along with the VAT return, any VAT liability owed to HMRC must also be paid by the submission deadline.

Reporting Periods

Reporting Periods

VAT returns are usually filed on a quarterly basis, although some businesses may be required to file monthly or annually. VAT liability is reported on these VAT returns, calculated based on the Output VAT and Input VAT.

Penalties for Late Filing

Penalties for Late Filing

Late filing of quarterly VAT returns incurs penalty points from HMRC. Accumulating four penalty points results in a £200 financial penalty and subsequent late filings attract a £200 penalty. Different penalty point thresholds apply for monthly and annual VAT returns.

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Why Choose us for your VAT Return?

We are specialist accountants and tax advisers for your property business! The service delivered by our qualified and experienced team is tailored as per your needs. Our accomplished tech-embedded service with exceptional property tax insight makes us stand out from the rest.

Expertise and Experience

Our team comprises experienced professionals with in-depth knowledge of VAT regulations and filing requirements. We stay up to date with the latest changes, ensuring accurate and compliant VAT returns.

Tailored Solutions

We recognise that every business is unique. Our approach is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that your VAT return reflects your business activities accurately and optimises your VAT position.

Timely Service

We prioritise meeting deadlines and ensure your VAT return is filed on time. By choosing our services, you minimise the risk of late or incorrect filings, helping you avoid penalties and potential legal issues.

Compliance and Accuracy

With us, you can have peace of mind knowing that your VAT return will be prepared in full compliance with HMRC guidelines. We ensure that all necessary information is included and calculations are accurate.

Proactive Tax Planning

We go beyond just filing your VAT return. Our team offers proactive tax planning advice to help optimise your tax strategies, identify potential savings, and ensure you are taking advantage of available tax incentives and reliefs.

Cost-Effective Solutions

Our services are competitively priced, providing excellent value for the expertise and quality we offer. We work with you to find the most cost-effective solutions that meet your accounting needs without compromising on the quality of service.

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Our Working Process

How We Work

Our work is centered around innovation, efficiency, collaboration, and delivering exceptional results to our clients.

Strategic Discovery Call and Tailored Proposals

Personalised tailored proposals following strategic discovery calls for tailored solutions.
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Efficient Information Collection and Analysis

Thoroughly gather and analyse all pertinent information for comprehensive analysis.
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Review and Compliance Assurance​

Thorough review for accuracy, compliance, addressing concerns, making adjustments before finalisation.
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Seamless Submission and Ongoing Support​

Seamless submission after final approval. Ongoing full support for all of your queries.

What our clients say

Spearheaded by the UK's polished professional bodies, ACCA and CIOT, we vow that we render the best service from our qualified and regulated accountants and tax advisers.

Inspiring Excellence

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Meet our esteemed Team Leads, driving financial prowess in property accounting with strategic acumen and leadership.