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A Hassle-Free Process

Deregistering Your Overseas Entity

Are you an overseas entity looking to deregister from Companies House in the UK? We've got you covered! Our streamlined process makes it easy for you to remove your entity from the register, ensuring compliance and peace of mind.

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Unleash Your Financial Potential

Why Deregister Your Overseas Entity?

Deregistering your overseas entity is essential for various reasons:

Compliance with Government Regulations

Compliance with Government Regulations

Stay compliant with UK laws and regulations by deregistering your entity when it is no longer listed on the land register as holding interests in UK property or land.

Simplified Reporting Processes

Simplified Reporting Processes

Eliminate the need for reporting and compliance associated with maintaining a registered overseas entity.

Cost Savings

Cost Savings

Maintaining a registered overseas entity often comes with ongoing costs such as registration fees, annual filing fees, and compliance costs. Deregistering your entity can help you save money by eliminating these recurring expenses.

Alignment with Business Strategy

Alignment with Business Strategy

Deregistering your overseas entity may align with your broader business strategy and objectives.

Expertise You Can Trust

Why Choose us for Deregistration?

We are UK-Regulated Agent with Companies House Authorised Agent. We have an experience providing services to Overseas Entities. Having a strong Compliance team with expertise on Overseas Entities make us reliable agent to provide the following services:

Expertise and Experience

Our team comprises highly skilled professionals with extensive experience in registration, filing annual update statements and removing overseas entities from the Register of Overseas Entities. We have a deep understanding of the regulatory requirements and complexities involved.

Customised Solutions

We tailor our services to meet your specific needs and ensure a seamless deregistration process. Whether you’re a large multinational corporation or a small business, we have the expertise to assist you.

Comprehensive Support

From start to finish, we’re here to guide you through the deregistration process and address any questions or concerns you may have. Our dedicated team will ensure that your deregistration is handled with professionalism and efficiency.

Proven Track Record

We have a successful track record of helping clients deregister their overseas entities efficiently and effectively. Our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction sets us apart from the competition.

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Our Working Process

How We Work

Our work is centered around innovation, efficiency, collaboration, and delivering exceptional results to our clients.

Strategic Discovery Call and Tailored Proposals

Personalised tailored proposals following strategic discovery calls for tailored solutions.
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Efficient Information Collection and Analysis

Thoroughly gather and analyse all pertinent information for comprehensive analysis.
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Review and Compliance Assurance​

Thorough review for accuracy, compliance, addressing concerns, making adjustments before finalisation.
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Seamless Submission and Ongoing Support​

Seamless submission after final approval. Ongoing full support for all of your queries.

What our clients say

Spearheaded by the UK's polished professional bodies, ACCA and CIOT, we vow that we render the best service from our qualified and regulated accountants and tax advisers.

Inspiring Excellence

Meet Our Experts

Meet our esteemed Team Leads, driving financial prowess in property accounting with strategic acumen and leadership.