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Unlocking Savings for Accommodation Providers

TOMS VAT- Streamlined Taxation for Rent-to-Rent Business Model with Ease

Welcome to our specialist TOMS VAT services, where we help accommodation providers reduce their VAT burden while ensuring compliance with tax regulations. Discover how TOMS VAT can make a significant difference for your business.

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What You Need to Know about TOMS VAT?

The provision of holiday accommodation is typically standard rated at 20% for VAT. However, TOMS VAT offers a substantial reduction in your VAT liability as VAT is calculated only on the margin, which is the difference between the selling price and the direct costs of accommodation, including rent and cleaning.

Margin Based VAT

Margin Based VAT

TOMS VAT simplify VAT calculations for businesses in the travel industry, particularly for those offering holiday accommodation. It enables businesses to pay VAT only on the margin, which is the difference between the selling price of the travel package and the direct costs incurred. 

Increased Competitiveness

Increased Competitiveness

The reduced VAT rate can enhance the competitiveness of UK accommodation providers, making their services more attractive to customers while maintaining profitability. 

Significant Savings

Significant Savings

One of the significant advantages of TOMS VAT is the potential for tax savings. By paying VAT on the margin instead of the full selling price, businesses can significantly reduce their VAT liabilities. 

Simplified Calculations

Simplified Calculations

TOMS VAT simplifies the VAT calculation process, making it more straightforward for accommodation providers to determine their VAT obligations. Instead of computing VAT on every individual expense, TOMS VAT focuses on the margin, streamlining the overall tax process. 

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Why Choose us for TOMS VAT?

When it comes to handling TOMS VAT, we're your trusted partner. We have implemented Xero over thousands of organisations to streamline their financial processes.

Expertise and Experience

Our team boasts in-depth knowledge of TOMS VAT and its applications in the rent-to-rent business model. With years of experience, we can navigate the complexities effortlessly. 

Tailored Solutions

We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Our approach is tailored to your business, ensuring that TOMS VAT works to your advantage. 

VAT Savings Unlocked

Our services are designed to maximise your VAT savings while keeping your VAT obligations compliant with HMRC regulations. 

Comprehensive Support

We’re here when you need us. Our dedicated support team is always ready to address your queries and provide expert guidance.

Peace of Mind

With us, you can focus on what you do best – providing exceptional accommodation services. We handle your TOMS VAT, giving you peace of mind. 

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Our Working Process

How We Work

Our work is centered around innovation, efficiency, collaboration, and delivering exceptional results to our clients.

Strategic Discovery Call and Tailored Proposals

Personalised tailored proposals following strategic discovery calls for tailored solutions.
Direction Arrows

Efficient Information Collection and Analysis

Thoroughly gather and analyse all pertinent information for comprehensive analysis.
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Review and Compliance Assurance​

Thorough review for accuracy, compliance, addressing concerns, making adjustments before finalisation.
Direction Arrows

Seamless Submission and Ongoing Support​

Seamless submission after final approval. Ongoing full support for all of your queries.

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Spearheaded by the UK's polished professional bodies, ACCA and CIOT, we vow that we render the best service from our qualified and regulated accountants and tax advisers.

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