In a world where market conditions are growing increasingly challenging and the tax environment less favourable, landlords find themselves at a crossroads, re-evaluating their investment strategies.
The past year has borne witness to a remarkable surge in the establishment of new limited companies by buy-to-let landlords, with an astounding 47,000 new incorporation.
Starting off, this represents a 14% increase on the number of buy-to-let incorporation in 2020 and another 9,343 (which was a five-hold increase) on the incorporation by buy-to-let landlords in 2013. But, this increase has not just changed but spiked down to a decrement.
Adapting to New Realities
Recent years have witnessed a transformation in the tax landscape for residential rental property owners. The once-generous tax advantages of personal property ownership have gradually eroded.
Today, interest on Buy-To-Let What you need to know including residential mortgages can only be partially offset against income tax, limited to the 20% basic rate.

Furthermore, when landlords sell a residential buy-to-let property, they face Capital Gains Tax Rates of 18% for basic-rate taxpayers and 28% for higher-rate taxpayers, a significant increase compared to the 10% and 20% rates applied to most other asset disposals along with other various Property Taxes.
Additionally, the acquisition of additional rental properties now incurs higher stamp taxes, varying based on the property’s location in the UK.
A Recent Research
Around 140,000 buy-to-let landlords retired in 2022, and a staggering 73% of all landlord transactions involved individuals exiting the industry.

Beyond grappling with a less favourable tax environment, landlords face:
- Financial pressure stemming from higher interest rates
- Stricter regulations governing buy-to-let properties
- Heightened environmental standards
In response to these challenges, landlords are employing strategies like raising rents to offset borrowing costs or refinancing portfolios with larger deposits for lower interest rates, yet the profit margin continues to suffer.
Tax-Efficient Future
For landlords confronting dwindling profits, now presents an opportune moment to improve their tax efficiency. One compelling avenue is to contemplate holding future residential Buy-To-Let Investments within a Limited Company.
In certain scenarios, incorporating an existing buy-to-let portfolio can also yield advantages. Nevertheless, the choice between individual and corporate investment should be carefully tailored to individual circumstances.

Smaller portfolio owners, where tax reliefs might not apply to incorporation, could consider reducing property holdings through careful planning, being mindful of the 60-day disposal reporting requirement.
While it’s too early to dismiss buy-to-let investments, especially for smaller landlords with high debt levels from rising property prices, they must assess their portfolios in today’s economic, regulatory, and tax landscape, making professional guidance is a wise choice.
Our Role
In these complex and uncertain times, expert guidance is indispensable. UK Property Tax Accountants stand ready to assist landlords in optimising their financial affairs.
With a deep understanding of the ever-changing tax landscape, we can help navigate the complex maze of property taxation, ensuring adherence while maximising profitability.
We offer a FREE initial 15-minute discovery call! So, why not call us now?